This session with Tim Gallagher is offered ONLINE during Event 1: June 17-20, 2025

Meet your APSI Consultant for AP Computer Science A

Tim Gallagher is a Computer Science and Mathematics Teacher at Winter Springs High School, located just outside of Orlando Florida. Tim has taught AP® Computer Science A since 2000.He also teaches IB Computer Science, IB Mathematics, and Dual-enrollment Computer Science courses at Seminole State College. Tim is a long time reader for AP® Computer Science A, and has served in most leadership roles, including Question Leader, Exam Leader, and Assistant to the Chief Reader. He was also a member of the College Board’s AP® Computer Science A Development Committee from 2017–2023, and served as the high-school co-chair of the committee 2020–2022,where he was responsible for leading the content development of the AP® Computer Science A Exam each year. Tim is a content contributor for the College Board’s AP® Classroom online resource, where he develops AP® Computer Science Daily videos, and hosts the annual “AP® Daily Practice Sessions”, preparing a series of videos to help students worldwide prepare for the AP® Computer Science A exam.