Meet your AP Art and Design Consultant and read about the APSI Course Description for AP Art and Design!

M. Colleen Harrigan

  • College Board endorsed consultant for AP Art and Design
  • This session is offered in Event 3: June 24-27, Monday through Thursday.
  • This session is also offered in Event 2 June 18-21 Tuesday through Friday

Colleen Harrigan is a versatile professional with a diverse skill set, encompassing roles such as Visual Arts Educator, Mentor, AP Online Community Moderator, Question Leader for the AP Art and Design Portfolio, and Lead Faculty Consultant for AP Art and Design.

She holds a BFA from St. Mary’s College and an MA in Art Education from New York University. While her academic background is firmly rooted in the visual arts, her true passion is teaching. 

Currently, Colleen imparts her knowledge and experience at the Page School, guiding students on their creative journeys. Her adaptability shines through as she empowers fellow educators through various professional development opportunities. These interactions have led to collaborations with numerous talented individuals, enriching her teaching methods and studio practices. 

As a dedicated lifelong learner, Colleen’s interests extend to outdoor adventures, painting, and the joys of parenting her twin daughters. Her commitment to growth and exploration knows no bounds. 

If you’re searching for an enthusiastic collaborator in your artistic and educational pursuits, Colleen eagerly welcomes the opportunity to work and learn alongside you. Reach out to her at to connect and embark on a journey of shared creativity and knowledge.

E-mail:  M Colleen Harrigan AP Art and Design 2024 Online Walton APSI

AP Art & Design Course Description


SYNC 1: 9am-11:30am ET (online with ZOOM for 2.5 hrs.)  (Zoom Site will open at 8:45am ET each day)
A-SYNC: 11:30am-2:30 ET (off-line for 3 hrs with open Zoom breakout rooms)  (From 1:30pm-2:30pm Colleen will be available to answer ?’s)
SYNC 2: 2:30pm-4:30pm ET online with ZOOM for 2 hrs.)

This APSI Workshop offers a dynamic blend of seminar sessions and activities tailored to suit both novice and seasoned AP Art and Design educators. Beyond covering essential details about the AP Art and Design program requirements, the sessions delve into the details of the three portfolios. They explore ideation techniques for crafting lessons geared toward the Selected Works and Sustained Investigation sections of the portfolios. Furthermore, adaptable classroom experiences and the latest updates from the AP Art program and its exam grading are presented. 

Since the College Board revamped the AP Art and Design course starting from the 2019-2020 academic year, the three AP Art and Design Portfolios will be distinguished through digital presentations and discussion. The aim is to define the components of each portfolio – Selected Works, Sustained Investigation – and thoroughly review the curriculum framework and scoring rubrics. To enhance understanding, a mock scoring exercise is incorporated. Throughout the workshop, participants will find ample opportunities for peer dialogue, discussion, and the creation of customized curricula to meet the individual needs of participants in Drawing, 2-D, and 3-D Art and Design in order to achieve student success. 

Moreover, insights on classroom organization and management within the AP Art and Design context, integrating individual and group critiques, effective use of technology and research, and the role of historical and contemporary art in image-making will be shared. This workshop offers numerous collaborative activities and resource development opportunities to enrich teaching approaches. Regardless of prior experience with AP Art and Design, active participation is encouraged, fostering the exchange of teaching experiences and methods among fellow participants. 

In addition to the College Board materials provided, you should have access to a camera (phone is fine) and some basic art supplies for studio experiences. Please bring a photo or video of your classroom space to share through group discussion.  

The ultimate goal is to tailor the APSI Session to meet the unique interests and needs of each participant, equipping them with the most current information to create a successful AP Art and Design class experience. Looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate and learn together! 

2024 Online WaltonAPSI / AP Art & Design / M Colleen Harrigan

SYNC 1: 9am-11:30am ET (online with ZOOM for 2.5 hrs.)  (Zoom Site will open at 8:45am ET each day)
A-SYNC: 11:30am-2:30 ET (off-line for 3 hrs with open Zoom breakout rooms)  (From 1:30pm-2:30pm Colleen will be available to answer ?’s)
SYNC 2: 2:30pm-4:30pm ET online with ZOOM for 2 hrs.)