APSI Director: Christina Cronic
Phone: 404-556-7994 / 770-833-8818
E-mail: APSI@waltonapsi.org
APSI Technology: Bobby Zimmerman
APSI Registrar: Hester Vasconcelos, Ed.D.
Phone: 770-833-8818
E-mail APSI@waltonapsi.org
Payment Inquiries: 770-833-8818 e-mail APSI@waltonapsi.org
All Purchase Orders are made payable to: Itinera Docentia, LLC DBA WaltonAPSI. All payments are made directly to the APSI and not the College Board
Mailing Address:
Itinera Docentia LLC DBA WaltonAPSI
6350 Lake Oconee Pkwy. Suite 110 #79, Greensboro, GA 30642
Website: https://waltonapsi.org